Routines and Timetables
As retired teacher, I have 23 years experience of working within the structure of a timetable, on a daily basis. I realised that I achieved loads during the school working day, as opposed to at weekends, because, during the week, I had a timetable, which gave a space for everything!
Timetables give one permission to be doing exactly what they are doing at exactly that point in time. They make time for all that is important, including family and down time, without the guilt, or the feeling you should be doing something else..
I will help you to work out a routine that enables you to hit all the bases you hope to hit. If that means writing a tight timetable at your busiest times, then that is what can happen. Remember, timetables contain down time alongside the Mundane but Necessary. In fact, the timetable ensures your downtime is protected!